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He is a "River of Love"

This year's New Year's resolution?

6:30am alarm, snooze, tea brought to me in bed (yes, I know, thank you husband)... then HTB Bible in One Year app....15-20 mins scroll, while phone is still set to airplane.

Before marriage, I was that person who set their alarm at different times in the morning, just to keep things interesting.

And so my morning routine changes ALL THE TIME. The only constant now is that Nathan chooses the time the alarm goes off (he hates the change), and I brush my teeth and have a shower.

So I think I'm doing pretty well in getting to Day 39 in the BIOY app.

I am... and I've been loving reading the word of God to be honest – I've never been super successful and keeping it consistent. And so this is good.

But there came a time at the weekend, that I realised that my "new routine" was just another way that was avoiding the presence of the Lord.

For sure, I was loving what I was learning more about Him – He was speaking through His word.

BUT – it wasn't a substitute for time with Him. Is reading the Bible time with God? Yes, but also not only.

I needed more. And so this song...

I heard about a river... everything it touches, comes alive. I heard about a man, Jesus.... everything he touches, comes alive.

I realised it was about Jesus. It was the Bible, yes. It was God. It was church and community.

But I had forgotten in those few weeks of resolution goodness to search for the real deal.

The man Jesus. And when I started to re-connect, everything changed.

I started to worship again, with abandon. My spirit lifted again. My focus changed.

"Getting caught up again

Swept up in love divine

Learning all over again

What it is to be loved by You

What it is to be known by You

Flow, flow, river of love

Pour through the streets that run in my heart

I open to the promise You gave to us

I am ready, I am ready

For You to come

Learning to trust again

And lean in to who You are

Open my heart and my hands

I'm giving in to be known by You

Giving in to be loved by You"

And so I encourage you - spend time with the man who is Jesus.

Don't know much about Him? Ask Him to show you who He is.


"River of Love" & "Everything" (Spontaneous), Joel Case & Melissa Helser A live recording from the 2021 18 Inch Journey.

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