"The Lord is Great
And Greatly to be Praised"
There's something about singing the same line, over and over.
"Cause He is High and Lifted
High and Lifted up"
For the purists, they'll say, why?
When you sing truth, it becomes a declaration.
Today, as I walked along the river, these words sung out at me in my ear pods. It was like I needed to hear that this was a thing, that the Lord IS great.
What do you need to hear over and over again today?
Is there something you need to declare?
"Oh we Give Him the Praise
All of our Days, Everyday"
What if declaring what you didn't yet feel in your heart... what if that actually made a difference? Maybe not today, or tomorrow... but little incremental changes started to shift things in you, how you saw your circumstances?
"And I’ve Seen You
Move the Mountains
And I’ve Seen You Part the Seas
And I’ve Seen You
Crush Depression
And the Enemy’s Under our Feet
Oh I’ve Seen You
Part the Waters"
The Lord is Great Official Lyric Video | WorshipMob original by G. Hall & Emma Graham Greatly To Be Praised - High & Lifted Up Spontaneous worship by the WorshipMob team